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Showing posts from March, 2016

Build system hunger

So the past week(s) I've been revisiting the tools architecture in my engine. Some of the tools have ended up getting both a visual makeover as well as fundamental changes under the hood. Part of my tooling that care of asset compilation and verification has gone through several of those iterations. But the last week in particular I've been looking into build systems and embedding python after having gotten wind of  google's bazel. My first impression of bazel is that it is quite elegant in the way builds are described declaratively, as well as the technology coined behind it. Incidentally, they seems to have opted for a similar strategy as my own asset management system. Both systems employ services that uses a database to store associated meta-data. And it uses the meta-data to ensure the smallest/fastest build. Now of course while I don't have several terabytes of art data to process, my small...