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Showing posts from November, 2013

Murphy's law when creating cross compiler for windows.

Out of curiosity I got a bit intrigued with a concept known 'cross compilers'. Essentially this is a compiler that is compiled under to run under one platform (host), that outputs executable files and linker archives that are consumable by another (target). For those familiar with console programming, this brings us a step closer to devkit es-queue workflow; where we just use the device to run content as opposed to producing content on it. One of the huge advantages this offers is that the development platform can remain fixed. For me personally that means I can keep using Visual Studio; and use all the development tools which makes me productive. It also means that my development platform needs only to be functional for a single target which I'd argue is more friendlier on the developer as opposed to running virtual machines; familiarizing with all of it's tools. So with the recent announcement of Steam-OS; I thought this was a good time, to play around with a small ...